Make available a set of templates on the network that covers all document instances that there needs to be collaboration.Put in place policies for document collaboration, for instance establish standard fonts for use in documents.This is especially important where there is a variation in Operating systems Ensure all computers in the organisation have the same font set.Many of these can be minimised by the adoption of some simple policies: Migration support desks will inevitably end up fielding calls that have nothing to do with the migration but has been a point of frustration for some time. Often the problems that occur are not actually caused by the migration but are areas that have always been problematic but it was easier for users to work around than complain. So one of the essential tasks in a successful migration is to identify infidelity risks and thus reduce user frustration. No two document production applications will always have 100% fidelity, not even if those two applications are just different versions of the same programme. Most migration difficulties occur because of incompatibility issues.
Migration is people issue, not a software issue