Walgreens Photo Printing To Fit Your Busy Schedule Print a 4×6 to frame and put on an end table or an 8×10 to hang up on a drab wall! After that, select the nearest Walgreens store to pick up your order from and wait an hour for your order to be ready! Order Walgreens Photo Same Day Pick Ups from your phone and receive the prints in one hour! Look below to see the dimensions and prices per dimensions. Next, select the photos you’d like to print and then choose your desired sizes and quantities. Start by downloading our free app, either from the Apple App Store or Google Play. We’ve made printing pictures from your phone to Walgreens an easy process. Whether it’s decorating the house with memories or giving a gift to a loved one, our Walgreens photo app makes printing your favorite pictures hassle free. Any photo printing needs for when you’re in a rush you can trust 1 Hour Photo. Can you print photos from your phone at Walgreens? Now it’s possible, using our Same Day Prints and 1 Hour photo apps for both iPhone and Android! Simply select the pictures you want printed right from your camera roll and pick them up in only one hour from Walgreens.